Random Polymers

25 January 2006, Institut Henri Poincaré, Amphi Hermite

Moderator: Herbert Spohn (München)

09h15 - 09h30 Herbert Spohn (München): Introduction.

09h30 - 10h25 Cécile Monthus (Saclay): Random polymers and delocalization transitions.

10h25 - 11h20 Giambattista Giacomin (Paris): Depinning transitions for directed polymers in presence of quenched disorder.

11h20 - 11h40 Coffee break

11h40 - 12h35 Francis Comets (Paris): Directed polymers in random media; majorizing cascades.

12h35 - 14h00 Lunch

14h00 - 14h55 Stu G. Whittington (Toronto): Coloured self-avoiding walks: a model of copolymer localization.

14h55 - 15h50 Kay J. Wiese (Paris): Elastic Manifolds in Disorder.

15h50 - 16h05 Coffee Break

16h05 - 17h00 Ken Alexander (Los Angeles): The effect of disorder on the polymer depinning transition.