Rapidity of convergence to equilibrium or stationary states

23 January 2001, Neuville-sur-Oise

Moderator: Stefano Olla (Cergy-Pontoise)

09.45 - 10.00 Stefano OLLA (Cergy-Pontoise): Presentation

10.00 - 10.40 Viviane BALADI (Orsay): Finite-dimensional functional analysis applied to transfer operators for infinite dimensional maps

10.40 - 11.20 Carlangelo LIVERANI (Rome): Computing the rate of decay of correlations in expanding and hyperbolic systems

Coffee break

11.45 - 12.25 Denis TALAY (Sophia-Antipolis) : Exponential convergence of moments for ergodic solutions of stochastic differential equations, and numerical applications

12.25 - 13.05 Andrew STUART (Warwick): Geometric ergodicity for degenerate stochastic differential equations and approximations


14.30 - 15.10 Werner KRAUTH (Paris): Absence of thermodynamic phase transition in a model glass former

15.10 - 15.50 Elise JANVRESSE (Rouen): Spectral gap for Kac's model of Boltzmann's equation

15.50 - 16.30 Michel LEDOUX (Toulouse): Hypercontractivity of Hamilton-Jacobi equations

Coffee break

17.00 - 17.40 Cedric VILLANI (Lyon): Quantitative versions of Boltzmann's H theorem

17.40 - 18.20 Fabio MARTINELLI (Rome): Relaxation to equilibrium of Kawasaki dynamics for lattice gases