Simple exclusion process and last passage percolation

25 January 2005, Institut Henri Poincaré, Amphi Darboux

Moderator: Pablo A. Ferrari (São Paulo & IHES)

08h30 - 08h45 Opening

08h45 - 09h40 Pablo A. Ferrari (São Paulo & IHES): Second class particles, geodesics and competition interfaces.

09h40 - 10h35 Thomas Mountford (Lausanne): A strong law of large numbers for the motion of a second class particle.

10h35 - 10h55 Coffee break

10h55 - 11h50 Joel L. Lebowitz (Rutgers & IHES): On the realizability of point processes with specified one and two particle densities.

11h50 - 12h45 Omer Angel (Vancouver): The stationary measure for TASEP with second class particles.

12h45 - 14h00 Lunch

14h00 - 14h55 Bernard Derrida (Paris): Fluctuations and large deviations in the ASEP with open boundaries.

14h55 - 15h50 James Martin (Paris): Last-passage percolation with general weight distribution.

15h50 - 16h10 Coffee Break

16h10 - 17h05 Patrik Ferrari (München): Stochastic growth in one dimension and Gaussian ensembles of random matrices.

17h05 - 18h00 Gunter M. Schütz (Jülich): Broken ergodicity in driven one-dimensional reaction-diffusion systems with short-range interaction.