Systèmes Aléatoires Inhomogènes

January 26-27, 1999 - Schedule

Amphi CAUCHY, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau

The aim of this conference is to bring together mathematicians and physicists working on disordered or random systems, and to discuss recent developments on themes of common interest.

Tuesday 26 January: Pinning, entropic repulsion and fluctuations of random surfaces.

Moderator: Pablo Ferrari (São Paulo)

Dynamic and static random surfaces present interesting phase transition behavior. In this one-day workshop recent contributions to this field will be considered. In particular: (1) Conditions on the parameters characterizing the surfaces for the existence of an infinite measure (pinning); (2) Effects of the interaction with a wall (entropic repulsion); (3) Asymptotic statistics of the space and time correlations (fluctuations).

Speakers: J-D. Deuschel (Berlin), P. Ferrari (São Paulo), G. Giacomin (Milano), S. Martinez (Santiago), J. SJoestrand (Palaiseau), Y. Velenik (Berlin), M. Zahradnik (Prague)

Titles and abstracts

Wednesday 27 January: Interfaces and equilibrium shapes in three dimensions.

Moderator: Salvador Miracle-Solé (Marseille)

Some interesting problems in the theory of phase coexistence have recently been accessible to a rigorous treatment. Among them we plan to address: (1) The Wulff construction for a 3-dimensional lattice system; (2) The Wulff construction for SOS models in dimension 2+1; (3) Roughness of the (111) interface in the Ising model; (4) Rigid interfaces in quantum systems.

Speakers: T. Bodineau (Paris), R. Cerf (Orsay), D. Ioffe (Haifa), R. Kenyon (Orsay), J. Magnen (Palaiseau), S. Miracle-Solé (Marseille)

Titles and abstracts


The conference is free and open to all. To facilitate organization, please register by returning the following form:

Name: ................................................................. Email:...............................
Institution: .......................................................... Phone:...............................
Address: ..............................................................Fax:.................................
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Accomodation: for a hotel room in the latin quarter (350-550 FF/night), you may ask Chantal until January 15.

Access by train: RER-B, station Lozère + 15mn walk
Amphi CAUCHY is on street level, near the South-West corner of the main building.

Organizers: François Dunlop, Thierry Gobron, Ellen Saada

As usual, the ``Rencontre de Physique Statistique'' taking place in Paris 28 and 29 January 1999 will provide opportunities for further discussions.