Proceedings: Markov Processes and Related Fields 7(1) 2001
Université de Cergy-Pontoise


Systèmes Aléatoires Inhomogènes

January 25-26, 2000

9h15 - 18h45
Amphi B - Pierre Bergé at Neuville III


The aim of this conference is to bring together mathematicians and physicists working on disordered or random systems, and to discuss recent developments on themes of common interest. Each of the two days is devoted to a specific topic, as described below for the 2000 session.
Time does not allow for oral communications other than the invited lectures. The ``Rencontre de Physique Statistique'' taking place in Paris 27 and 28 January 2000 invites short communications, before 17 January. Participants are invited to bring along reprints and preprints, at both events.

Tuesday 25 January: Metastability and relaxation of processes

Moderator: Roberto Fernández (Rouen)

The day will be devoted to the exposition of recent results on the convergence properties of standard and new simulation algorithms. Topics include: Comparison of the relaxation properties of dynamic algorithms for statistical mechanical systems; role of metastability; relaxation of non-markovian processes; perfect simulations.

Speakers: X. Bressaud (Marseille), A. Galves (São Paulo), M. Jerrum (Edinburgh), R. Kotecký (Prague), F. Martinelli (Roma), E. Olivieri (Roma), J. Salas (Zaragoza), S. Shlosman (Marseille), A. Sokal (New-York), E. Thonnes (Göteborg).

Titles and abstracts

Wednesday 26 January: Systems out of equilibrium

Moderator: Pierre Collet (Palaiseau)

Several new ideas have recently contributed to a renovated approach of this fundamental problem opening new directions for future developments. The subjects include in particular: Gallavotti-Cohen results for fluctuations in reversible systems, non trivial heat fluxes through nonlinear systems with two heat baths, characterization of stationary states.

Speakers: J.-P. Eckmann (Genève), G. Gallavotti (Roma), J.L. Lebowitz (Rutgers), C. Maes (Leuven), S. Méléard (Nanterre), C.A. Pillet (Toulon).

Titles and abstracts


The conference is free and open to all. To facilitate organization, please register by returning the following form:

Name: ................................................................. Email:...............................
Institution: .......................................................... Phone:...............................
Address: ..............................................................Fax:.................................
Return to : <>

Access by train: RER-A, station Neuville-Université + 5mn walk
Single ticket=29FF, carte Mobilis 5 zones=70FF (Day Pass)

Organizers: Smaïl Alili, François Dunlop, Thierry Gobron, Ellen Saada

On Wednesday 26 January after lunch we plan a short session on ``Human Rights and Social Responsibility of Scientists'' . Specific cases as well as general principles concerning human rights of scientists all over the world will be discussed. Contributions are welcome (contact J.L. Lebowitz and F. Dunlop).

Programme and proceedings of previous sessions: 1999