Interacting particle systems: NEW TRENDS, with applications in biology and economy.

28 January 2004, Institut Henri Poincaré , Paris

Moderator: Christian Maes (Leuven)

Conference Program

9.00- 9.10 Opening

9.10- 9.25 Christian MAES (Leuven): Introduction.

9.25-10.20 Jacek Miekisz (Warszawa): Long-run behavior in stochastic evolutionary games.

10.20-11.15 Antal Jarai (Amsterdam): Thermodynamic limit of the Abelian sandpile model in Z^d.

11.15-11.35 Coffee Break

11.35-12.30 Ronald Meester (Amsterdam): A mathematical analysis of the Bak-Sneppen model for evolution.

12.30-14.00 Lunch

14.00-14.55 Bernard Derrida (Paris): Statistical properties of genealogical trees.

14.55-15.50 Vadim Malyshev (Rocquencourt): Stochastic chemical kinetics: history and new problems.

15.50-16.10 Coffee Break

16.10-17.05 Paulien Hogeweg (Utrecht): Evolution of Morphogenesis.

17.05-18.00 Livio Triolo (Roma): Space structures and different scales for many-component biosystems.