Systèmes Aléatoires Inhomogènes January 22-23, 20029h45 - 18h30Amphi A - Jacqueline Ficini Neuville-sur-Oise |
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The aim of this conference is to bring together mathematicians and physicists
working on disordered or random systems, and to discuss recent developments on
themes of common interest. Each of the two days is devoted to a specific topic.
Time does not allow for oral communications other than the invited lectures.
Please bring your preprints and reprints for display.
Rencontre de Physique Statistique''
taking place in Paris 24 and 25 January 2002 welcomes short communications.
Tuesday 22 January: Spin glasses
Moderator: Flora Koukiou (Cergy-Pontoise)
Over the last twenty years, spin glass theory has been an active research domain in both experimental and theoretical physics. Many spin glass models are expected to exhibit most remarkable properties like frustration, broken ergodicity, multivalley energy landscape, and dynamical effects such as remanence, aging, etc. These properties turned out to be of considerable interest for mathematics. The meeting is an attempt to present an accessible account of the-state-of-the-art and to discuss the current mathematical and physical issues.
Speakers: Eric Bertin (Paris),
Anton Bovier (Berlin),
A.C.C. Coolen (London),
Pierluigi Contucci (Bologna),
Francesco Guerra (Rome), Jorge Kurchan (Paris),
Michel Talagrand (Paris).
Titles and abstracts - Schedule
Wednesday 23 January: Random matrices
Moderator: Vincent Rivasseau (Orsay)
The goal of this day of meeting is to allow a gathering of a small selected number of recent actors from various horizons in order to review the subject of random matrices, which has proved a central topic in so many areas of theoretical physics, from quantum chaos to random combinatorics, through quantum gravity or disordered systems.
Speakers: Eugueni Bogomolny (Orsay),
Margherita Disertori (Princeton),
Bertrand Duplantier (Saclay),
Yan Fyodorov (Uxbridge),
Herbert Spohn (München),
Paul Zinn-Justin (Orsay),
Titles and abstracts - Schedule
The conference is free and open to all. To facilitate local organization, please register.
Organizers: François Dunlop, Thierry Gobron, Ellen Saada
Programme and proceedings of previous sessions:
1999 -
2000 - 2001