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January 28-29, 2003
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The aim of this meeting is to bring together mathematicians and physicists
working on extended random systems, and to discuss recent developments on
themes of common interest.
Time does not allow for oral communications other than the invited lectures.
The ``
Rencontre de Physique Statistique''
taking place in Paris 30 and 31 January 2003 welcomes short communications.
Tuesday 28 January: Quantum information theory
Moderator: Rémy Mosseri (Paris)
Quantum information is a rapidly developing pluri-disciplinary field. It is deeply connected to fundamental physical problems, like the physics of computing or the foundation of quantum mechanics, to new questions in computer science, with some surprisingly (potentially) fast algorithms, and even to applied questions in communications, as in the problem of quantum cryptography. This meeting will address some of these questions, mainly in a theoretical perspective.
List of speakers:
Nilanjana Datta (Cambridge),
Benoît Douçot (Paris),
Bertrand Georgeot (Toulouse),
Philippe Grangier (Orsay),
Elham Kashefi (London), Julia Kempe (Orsay),
John Schliemann (Basel), Andreas Winter (Bristol)
Titles and abstracts - Schedule
Wednesday 29 January: Low energy states in quantum many body systems
Moderator: Tom Kennedy (Tucson & IHES)
This day will focus on interesting questions in quantum statistical mechanics that involve the low energy states of the systems. In quantum lattice systems the low energy states describe the quasi-particles and their behavior. In addition to translationally invariant ground states, such systems can admit ground states with interfaces, and the low energy excitations of interface ground states exhibit a rich variety of phenomena. The problem of Bose-Einstein condensation is a question of whether or not there is macroscopic occupation of the lowest energy state.
List of speakers: : Giuseppe Benfatto (Rome), Pietro Caputo (Rome), Pierluigi Contucci (Bologne), Tom Kennedy (Tucson & IHES), Jacques Magnen (Palaiseau), Bruno Nachtergaele (University of California at Davis), Jakob Yngvason (Vienna), Valentin Zagrebnov (Marseille)
Titles and abstracts - Schedule
The conference is free and open to all. To facilitate local organization, please register.
Conference dinner Tuesday 28th
Organizers: François Dunlop, Thierry Gobron, Ellen Saada
Programme and proceedings of previous sessions:
1999 -
2000 - 2001
- 2002